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How to Build an Effective Brand Positioning Statement - theMmachine

How to Build an Effective Brand Positioning Statement

Discover how to build a brand positioning strategy that sets your company apart.  It’s easy for marketers to talk ad nauseum about brand positioning, but many small- to medium-sized business owners simply have no idea what it means. You’re too…

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Why Companies Need a Strong Brand Positioning Strategy? - theMmachine

Why Companies Need a Strong Brand Positioning Strategy

Your brand is only as strong as the energy you put into it. Achieving your branding goals requires the synchronization of multiple components to create a perception in your marketplace that drives your business forward. This requires a carefully-crafted brand…

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Why Graphic Design is Important for Your Brand? - theMmachine

Why Graphic Design is Important for Your Brand

Graphic design not only makes something look good, it organizes information to help deliver a message in the most impactful way possible. When you combine the right image, a well-written headline, professionally executed in a well-established package, then BOOM! The…

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